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MTSU Testing Center

Five Reasons to Take a CLEP Exam

  • 1.      Save big on tuition. With one CLEP exam, you could save up to $1,000 per course.
  • 2.      Get some time back. Save more than 100 hours in course time and outside work by “CLEP-ping” out of just one class.
  • 3.      You might already know the subject material. CLEP exams cover subjects you may have taken in high school, such as College Algebra or Spanish Language.
  • 4.      You can access free online courses to help you study. Check out the free CLEP courses offered by Modern States Education Alliance, taught by professors at leading institutions.
  • 5.  You can find a list of CLEP exams accepted at Middle Tennessee State University here

Learn more about CLEP

Testing Services

KUC 107, Suite 111

Office Hours:
8:00am - 4:30pm